The Beaumont Destination Training Program is a complimentary service offered by the Beaumont Convention and Visitors Bureau. It’s a half-day (8 am to 2 pm) motor coach tour designed to provide valuable training skills to your sales and front line personnel; the lifeline of any successful business is its quality client experience!
The Beaumont Destination Training Program will introduce and re-introduce you to key attractions, restaurants, hotels, events and activities that make Beaumont a popular destination/
Learn how your CVB successfully promotes Beaumont to leisure and convention business clients and how we can help you in your business.
What’s in it for employers? A knowledgeable and enthusiastic staff, ready to offer your clients better quality service which results in higher customer satisfaction, repeat business, and increased profits.
What’s in it for staff? The more you know, and the more resources you have on hand the easier it is to provide excellent quality service.
When you have completed your Beaumont Destination Training Program, you will receive a Beaumont Destination Resource Guide, a Certificate of Completion and receive ongoing communications on Beaumont events, attractions and activities.
We ask that you call or email at least a week in advance to sign up and provide a 48 hour notice for any cancellations. Tour includes lunch and light snacks.
2009 BDT Dates
Oct. 14
To sign up call or email:
Elizabeth Eddins 409-880-3749 eeddins@ci.beaumont.tx.us.
Please provide Name, Email address, phone number and company.
Tour and all expenses are a complimentary service of the Beaumont CVB.
I went on the tour recently and thoroughly enjoyed it. You learn so much about the area and gain a greater appreciation for what it has to offer.
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